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Spousal Maintenance

Spousal Support  (Alimony)


In some divorce cases, one party is entitled to spousal maintenance, which is commonly known as spousal support or alimony. If you believe that you’ll have to pay or that you’ll be entitled to receive spousal support, you need a skilled and experienced attorney by your side throughout your divorce.

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Alimony in Illinois 

You and your spouse can reach a maintenance agreement on your own or one of you can petition the court to ask the judge to decide.

It’s important to know that even when the court orders permanent alimony payments, spousal support can be terminated. When either spouse dies or undergoes a significant change in circumstances (such as one spouse remarrying or living with someone who supports him or her), the courts may decide it’s fair to terminate alimony payments.

Talk to a Spousal Support Lawyer Today 

If you believe you’ll have to pay or that you’ll be entitled to receive alimony, it may be a good idea to discuss your situation with a spousal maintenance attorney in Chicago who understands the significant financial impact your divorce will have on your life.

Call me at 312-818-5279 for a  case review. Tell me about your situation and I’ll start developing a strategy that gets you the best possible outcome.